“Blisters” (pemphigoid), a silent disease caused by immune deficiency.

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Our body, if one day it malfunctions abnormally From a strong person. Someone may become sick and weak. and affecting work and daily life such as Blister allergy

"Blisters" (pemphigoid), a silent disease caused by immune deficiency.

What is blistering disease?

Dr. Ruedee Phasukthaworn, a dermatologist and cosmetic laser surgeon. Praram 9 Hospital said that the blister disease group is not caused by infection. It is not a contagious disease. But it is caused by your own immune system which is not functioning properly. To destroy the structure that holds skin cells together. Makes the skin cells separate from each other. Turned into blisters and abrasions

Blistering disease Who is at risk?

There are many types of blistering diseases. Rarely found It can be found in both children and adults men and women. In this group of diseases, the most common diseases are

  • Bullous pemphigoid usually occurs in elderly people over 60 years of age and presents with a red, swollen rash. Very itchy, similar to hives and later turned into clear fluid-filled blisters of various sizes It may break out into abrasions on the โปรโมชั่น ufabet body.
  • Deep blistering disease (Pemphigus vulgaris) will find blisters and abrasions on the skin and may be found on other mucous membranes in the body such as the mouth, nose, genitals, etc., which can cause the patient a lot of pain.

Causes of blistering disease

The reason why the immune system doesn’t work properly leading to blisters is At present, it is still not known for sure. It has been reported that some medicines can cause blisters. But in most patients there is no cause. In real life, there are many other skin diseases that cause blisters. and wounds and abrasions on the body or various mucous membranes Many diseases are more common than blisters, including viral infections (herpes, shingles, chicken pox), severe drug allergies. Reaction from insect bites such as skin rashes from rove beetles And a severe acute dermatitis rash can cause blisters, for example.

Therefore, if there is a water blister or abrasions on the body You should see a doctor for further examination. by blistering disease The diagnosis can be confirmed by laboratory biopsy and immunofluorescence examination.

The main treatment for impetigo

The main treatment for impetigo involves immunosuppressants. To stop your own immune system from destroying the components of the skin layer. By the progression of blistering disease It is quite chronic for many months to many years. Patients should receive continued treatment from a medical professional. Take care of and clean the wound with saline and use ointment. Do not wear clothing that is too tight. Get enough rest. with water blisters and abrasions on the body If not properly cared for, it can cause complications such as scarring and repeated bacterial infections. and the infection spreads into the bloodstream so severely that it may cause death.