Psychologists warn that children who particularly like these three colors may have mental health problems. Parents must be careful.

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Psychologists warn that children who particularly like these three colors may have mental health problems. Parents and guardians must be careful. 

Everyone has their own favorite colors, which are often reflected in their clothing choices and personal items. In the past, most people may have ignored the impact of color on our minds. But with the advancement of science, many researchers are beginning to confirm that color has a significant impact on our mood and personality.

Swiss psychologist Max Luscher once proposed the theory of “the psychological effects of color”, stating that people’s favorite colors do not only reflect their tastes, but also their inner world and personality. For example, people who like red tend to be cheerful and energetic, while people who like blue tend to be quiet and quiet.

In the process of growing up, children are exposed to various colors, and their favorite color can influence their future personality. Scientists believe that if a child is particularly fond of one of the following three colors, parents should pay attention to it, as these colors can reflect the child’s psychological state.

children who particularly like these three colors

The three colors known as the “colors of sadness” are black, dark blue, and green.

1. Black

Children who like the color black tend to hide their inner pain. Children may initially be bright and cheerful, but after encountering negative events, they may start to withdraw and act cold. Black becomes a protective shield that helps hide their inner pain. If your child often chooses to wear black clothes or uses accessories in this color, it may be a sign that the child is facing some kind of mental pressure. Parents should pay attention, inquire, and provide timely support.

2. Dark blue

Dark blue is a popular color and is loved by many children. Children who like this color tend to be intelligent and independent, but can sometimes feel lonely because they don’t open up or talk to others. Lack of communication can lead to feelings of isolation and may lead to depression. If your child doesn’t have many friends or doesn’t like to communicate, parents should encourage their child to participate in group activities and create opportunities for their child to express their feelings.

3. Green

In the eyes of many, green is considered a refreshing and lively color. However, children who love green may hide their inferiority behind their lively demeanor. These children often try to appear cheerful and friendly, but deep down they are fragile and easily hurt. If your child exhibits this สมัคร ufabet behavior, parents should listen to and understand their child’s feelings more.

Many families are concerned about their children’s personality issues. Some children may be active and sociable, while others are reserved, do not like to talk and have difficulty getting to know others. These children need support from their parents to overcome mental obstacles and develop positive habits.

Parents should create opportunities for children to interact with friends or organize family gatherings so that children have the opportunity to communicate and learn to socialize. In addition, talking regularly with children can also help children to open up more.

Depression is a problem that affects many children. Parents should pay attention and support children to express their feelings. Even if children have character flaws, timely understanding and guidance can help children overcome these obstacles. Character not only determines success in life but also affects how children will fit into society.

Therefore, in order for their children to have a bright future, parents should pay attention to the development of their children’s character traits. Although relying on color preferences to assess mental state is not a perfect approach, it is still a good suggestion that parents should consider to pay more attention to their children’s mental health.