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"Dates" sweetness that comes with good benefits for the body

“Dates” sweetness that comes with good benefits for the body

Dates (or often misspelled as dates) even though they contain a high amount of natural sugar. But this sweet, delicious fruit is rich in many beneficial nutrients. Try reading these details. Then you will know that dates are really delicious fruits. Nutritional information One date palm contains the

Danger from eating Too much “instant noodles”

Danger from eating Too much “instant noodles”

How close is the end of the month? Low-level salaried employees often change the menu from a buffet to something simple like instant noodles. that are both eaten for deliciousness and eat to survive But for children, both young children and teenagers, they may eat it because it is an

Does "MSG" really cause hair loss?

Does “MSG” really cause hair loss?

“Don’t eat a lot of instant noodles. Your hair will fall out.” Have you ever heard a sentence like this since you were a child? Adults often do not let children Like we eat too much instant noodles. Because they don’t want us to eat too much MSG. Eat a